What MVP Does for Communities
Photo credit: Jeff Brown, Shelburne Falls
The Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program is the single most important source of funding for cities and towns to protect themselves from climate change and extreme weather.
State Support, Local Leadership
How are MVP Grants helping Massachusetts communities?
Supporting Small Farms
Christiane Turnheim approached her colorful bee hives, buzzing gently with hundreds of honeybees in the late afternoon sun. She spoke over her shoulder, “Independent bee keepers ... [read more]
Reaching out to the most vulnerable
What do mural paint parties, the Ivory Bunny and back-to-school backpacks have to do with Climate Resilience? In Springfield Massachusetts, it’s the core of the city’s... [read more]
When the floods surged, a focus on readiness helped Vermont
At 10 p.m. Monday, Susan Brown watched the rushing water of the West River as it carved through the mountain town of Londonderry, Vermont, just yards from Jelley’s Deli Convenience Store, her mother’s market.
[ read the Christian Science Monitor Article ]
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Click on the image to Go to the Mass MVP Site, then click on the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Grant Programs tab
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Download MVP Materials
Nearly every Massachusetts city or town has completed an initial MVP preparedness plan. As of late 2022, the state has provided over $100 million in action grants to fund priority actions. Find and download MVP project descriptions, as well as information on the program as a whole.